Saturday, August 22, 2015

Without Art and Without Beauty

I was listening to music the other day,and I was struck by a sudden realization of how Art is so relevant in our world,what is this stuff?where does it come from,the source of everything that we find so beautiful and inspiring?There has to be a place where everyone and anyone with the right gifts and nurture could tap into and turn this energy into something relevant.I have this idea that all this music,paintings,scupltures,all those things are energy patterns that our soul can tap into and transform into something positive or negative depending on the personality of the individual.But whatever the message or feelings the artists is trying to communicate with his Art,it can't be denied the fact that the real beauty with this is,the true power of Art is in its power to take our souls,our spirit,our energy,our mind,whatever it is,and take it into a place free from the constraints of this reality that is somehow imposed on us.It sets our true selves free and to be one with that true Source of Everything,even If its just a couple of minutes or hours,It is a sublime feeling and very enriching.We always have been free spirits capable of so much more,so much love and so much hate,but there has to be a balance of both.Art is this energy that makes us feel,connects us to each other,makes us create,to communicate,and to be truly Free.

Monday, August 3, 2015

I'm feeling so blessed to having all these projects coming for me.I'm truly grateful to all these people who have put their faith in me and in my talent.Sure there were some disappointments for me,in the freelance world,you have to put yourself out there,and I like to trust people,but there where some who did try to take advantage of me but I know this comes with the territory.This won't hinder me though in my growth not only as an artist but spiritually as well,I believe there is a link between these two,ART and SPIRITUAL GROWTH. I truly believe that If you really love something you are doing,and you are doing it for the right reasons,that energy,that light you make,it connects to people and it bounces back to you.The more love you give,the more love you will get back.